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Monday, April 16, 2007

UPDATE: Death Count Reaches 25 in VT Shooting

Reports from CBS have updated the death count in the VT shooting from 22 to 25 as of 12PM Central Time. At the current count this makes the shooting the deadliest campus attack in U.S. History. VT's public announcement earlier today only confirmed 20.

A shooter is now reported as dead, but it is now unclear if the shooter took his own life or if he was killed by police attempting capture.

"The university is shocked and indeed horrified." said Virginia Tech president Charles Steger.

According to the AP report:

The university reported shootings at opposite sides of the 2,600-acre campus, beginning at about 7:15 a.m. at West Ambler Johnston, a co-ed residence hall that houses 895 people, and continuing about two hours later at Norris Hall, an engineering building.

The Norris Hall shooter is the one who has been reported as deceased. He may or may not have been a student at VT. It now appears that there may have only been a single shooter.

Steger has reported multiple fatalities. Victims, some of whom are students, have been moved to area hospitals for treatment.

Broadside's sympathies and hopes are with the VT families.

EDIT: According to FOX23 Classes were canceled at VT for Monday and Tuesday and counselors were going to be made available to the students. This has yet to be confirmed by any other source.



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