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Monday, April 16, 2007

Mason Students Seek Contact at VT

“The first thing I did was try calling people at Virginia Tech that I knew,” Michael Horneffer, freshman senator, said. He initially could not reach a friend of his who lives in Norris Hall, where some of the shootings occurred. He finally reached her via Facebook and found that she was safe, locked in her room.

“I felt powerless but I still felt good that I could say God bless you- Thank God you’re not hurt.” Horneffer said.

Horneffer sees great similarities between students at Mason and Virginia Tech, calling them “hardworking and resilient.”

“It’s going to be very difficult but they’re going to work through it. Just take it one day at a time and do what you can.”


If you have a story involving the VT shootings or want to add to the discussion, please leave a comment.



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