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Monday, April 16, 2007

More On Campus Events in Reaction to the Tech Shootings

Broadside has just received word of two more on-campus events in reaction to today's Virginia Tech shootings.

From the Resident Director of Presidents Park:

"Presidents Park Resident-

I'm sure most of you have seen the news regarding the VTech tragedy. I'm also sure that you or some of your fellow hall mates may have friends at Tech and may be affected by what has happened. Please know that counseling is available for any student if they so desire. Just let me know or talk a walk over to the Counseling Center in SUB I.

We will be hosting a "meet and greet" tonight in Eisenhower Hall from 9-11pm. If you would like to come down and just hang out and chat about anything, please do so. Food will be provided as well as a movie on the flat screen.

Diana Federici"
There will also be a program held tonight at 7 p.m. at Hanover Hall in reaction to the Tech shootings.


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