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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

LiveBlog: George Mason Students Send Their Sympathies to VT. [4]

12:33: Though I've said it already, the cold tonight is notable for this time and to see so many out here, despite the cold, the wind, and the bad weather, provides its own type of warmth.

12:35: Mason students have taken the stage stating what things they, in the midst of tragedy, have to be thankful for, the people on whom they, in this time of tragedy, have leaned on and depended on. They are thankful of the small goods that come from horror, the knowledge that will insure that we all will be able to prevent this from happening again, the ability to count your blessings and to acknowledge those around you.

12:43: A number of Jewish students have gathered to say the Mourner's Kaddish, a prayer for the dead.

12:46: The vigil has officially ended, but many students remain standing together, talking to each other about the events of the day.

Broadside's sympathies and hopes are with the VT families. We hope that all those injured, be it in mind or body, heal and our prayers go with the families of the dead.



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