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Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Environmental Science and Policy Graduate Student Association Statement

Like millions of people worldwide, we in the Environmental Science
and Policy Graduate Student Association are deeply saddened by
the senseless violence that ended in the tragic loss of 33 lives
Monday morning. Our organization includes several members who
know Virginia Tech alumni or are VT alumni themselves.
Regardless of university affiliation, the pain of Monday's events are
felt by all. The loss of so many bright students and well
accomplished faculty is a setback to the academic community at
large. The research and contributions of the 5 faculty members
(Drs. Bishop, Librescu, Granata, Couture-Nowack, and Loganathan)
and 6 graduate students will be sorely missed. The academic
potential of the intelligent and driven undergraduate and graduate
students can never be measured. Our thoughts and prayers are
with the families and the Virginia Tech community.

Thank you,
Sarah Johnson
President of the ESP-GSA



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