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Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Defacing the School

Okay, so you might think its all cool and funny, but scrawling your name in the wet concrete of fresh sidewalk on campus is not kosher.

I'm talking about the walkways between the JC and Science and Tech. I, and towards Enterprise. I saw TWO students a matter of minutes apart from each other scratching with either stone or stick their little 'tags' into the just-made sidewalk slabs. One guy was moronic enough to use his own name.

This is NOT like chalking some message across the the wall or where we walk; this is permanent folks - until campus feels it safe to shell out more of our tuition money to repair the affected slabs.

This is probably part of why we have a designated area for chalking - beneath the walkway between the Robinson buildings - not to fringe upon freedom of speech, but to protect our campus from becoming a nightmare of a trashed frat house straight out of "Animal House."

So when you feel the need to leave your mark - DON'T SCRATCH!


Anonymous said...

I don't know ... I think I'd like my campus with a little more creative wear and tear. Of course shelling out more money to fix some concrete slabs in a smack in the face for a poor college student who pays her own tuition ... but in the name of creative fervor and artistry, I might just pay the extra few dollars.


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