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Monday, April 16, 2007

Pelosi Holds a Moment of Silence Following VT Shootings

Speaker Nancy Pelosi asked for a moment of silence on the House floor this afternoon following the deadly shootings on the campus of Virginia Tech. Below are her remarks:

"Mr. Speaker, it is with great sadness that I rise to acknowledge that today our country has been struck by a terrible, terrible tragedy. The death toll at Virginia Tech now is over 30. This is the worst campus shooting in the history of our country.

"As the Virginia Tech community struggles with the mourning and questioning that is certain to follow, the continued prayers from this Congress are with the students, their families, the faculty, and the staff at Virginia Tech.

"Leader Boehner joins me in extending our condolences to all concerned, and we ask for a moment of silence to be observed in this body. Would we all please rise to observe the moment of silence?"

SOURCE: Office of the Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi



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