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Monday, April 16, 2007

Breaking News: 22 Dead In Virginia Tech Shooting

CBS11's Report
680News Report
MarketWatch Report
Post Chronicle Report
EDIT: New York Times Report

NOTE: As of last attempt VT's website is unstable due to an assumed high influx of visitors.

UPDATE: A recent attempt has gained us access to VT's website, the following statement was posted on the front page:

Two shootings on campus today have left 22 confirmed dead, including students.

Families wishing to reunite with students are suggested to meet at the Inn at Virginia Tech. The university is planning a convocation for tomorrow at noon at Cassell Coliseum for the university community to come together to begin to deal with the tragedy.

Counseling is available in the Bowman Room in the Merriman Center (part of the athletic complex) for employees who seek assistance following today’s events.

All faculty and staff have been released and asked to go home effective immediately.

The university will open tomorrow at 8 a.m. but classes are cancelled.


mind.pure said...

it is sad to know that such a thing has happened in an institution of learning.


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