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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

LiveBlog: George Mason Students Send Their Sympathies to VT. [3]

12:24: Though they face a stiff breeze and cold weather however everyone continues. Right now people have begun to sing Amazing Grace in low tones, a beautiful sound.

J.D. Weiman, the speaker of the Student Senate who was dressed in a suit to match the solemnity of the occasion, said a few words, leaning towards brevity. Fellow Senator Joseph Sorgini spoke passionately to the crowd about the importance of prayer for Virginia Tech.

It has been observed that a TV crew, who is believed to have been dispatched from ABC, is at the event tonight.

Many people are standing together leaning against each other for support. Members of the Greek Community are here as well, hugging brothers and looking on quietly.

Many members of the student government are here to pay their respects as well.



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