I don't find it surprising that little has been said in the media regarding Kurt Vonnegut's recent death. We are living in a place and at a time diseased by a virus of anti-intellectualism. The problem is that the masses have yet to realize that they have contracted the virus. Hence, we will concern ourselves for a month with the death of a woman who became famous by way of her fake tits and playboy body - and yet only a few will recognize the death of a pivotal american who inspired lives by way of his words. In his latest collection of essays A Man Without a Country, he concluded the poem Requiem with the following:
When the last living thing
has died on account of us,
how poetical it would be
if Earth could say,
in a voice floating up
from the floor
of the Grand Canyon,
"It is done."
People did not like it here.
Vonnegut tried to kill himself years ago. He joked that he was angry at the tobacco companies because they were liars - on the packages of their cigarettes they had promised to kill him, and they had failed. Well, in the end he didn't kill himself and he didn't die of lung cancer - he fell and hit his head. And...So it goes.
Oiy. Have you seen FOX News' little Vonnegut epitaph?
I link to the YouTube video here: http://darksetyuna.livejournal.com/306971.html (not sure if you can code links in this sucker).
Here's a snippet from the infallible critique of a brilliant writer (and please read that with the dripping sarcasm I intended):
"Vonnegut who failed at suicide 23 years ago, said 34 years ago that he hoped his children wouldn't say of him when he was gone, 'He made wonderful jokes, but he was such an unhappy man.' So I'll say it for them."
Thank you FOX News.
Note: I heard of his death last week. Very sad. I wanted to meet him. Why Vonnegut? Why did you have to be so old?
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