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Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Blog Watch: Reports, Reactions

As tragedy broke yesterday, many people sat down and watched the reports on TV. However, the blog world was doing more then just watching, they were writing. Hundreds of blogs, ranging from LiveJournals to news reports, from conspiracy theories to psychological examinations, were posted from the beginning of the tragedy onward. I've selected a few of the ones that stood out from the rest, including Blogs from mainstream news sources and one from a GMU graduate student.

Captain's Quarters has two well written posts in reaction to the massacre. The first is about the heroism of holocaust survivor and VT Professor Liviu Librescu, who gave his life to save his students. The second is about the issues that arose from the tragedy.

Jurassicpork puts up a post at Welcome to Pottersville talking about the effect of violence on our psyche and the horror that the survivors must face when they return to classes tomorrow. [Pottersville]

The Volkh Conspiracy, well known pro-gun site, put up a series of thought-out articles on the shootings. [Volkh]

The Huffington Post's Taylor Marsh wrote out an extended post on our preparation as a country for tragedy. [Huffington]

ABC's The Blotter has a short post on the weapons used. [Blotter]

A quick look at the pro-gun reactions in the media to the VT shootings. [MediaMatters]

Tech Alumni and current GMU graduate student writes on the events of the day. [Thinking on the Margin]

Chicago Tribune's blog The Swamp takes a quick look at the letter the killer left behind. [The Swamp]

A professional psychologist posts instructions on how to deal with Post Traumatic Stress Syndrome. [The Moderate Voice]

Hotline's blog On Call has McCain's and Edwards' comments. [Hotline On Call]

The Collegiate Times, VT's student-run newspaper, had their website go down early in the day. As a public service College Publisher has taken over hosting the digital side of the paper and VT's student writers, editors and reporters have done a laudable job keeping their fellow students, and the world, informed.



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