One big thumbs up to Professor David E. Bernstein, for his recent article in the LA Times on the continuing issues with Free Speech on College Campuses around the nation. Though I can't agree with his analysis of Larry Summers (the former president of Harvard University fired for sexist remarks), nor do I believe the fault lies entirely with the far left, the constitution should protect people's right to speak, even asshole university presidents.
From the article:
The Chemerinsky episode, disturbing though it was, should not distract us from the primary challenge facing academic freedom in American universities: the rise of an academic far-left establishment that seeks to use universities as a base for political activism, and is perfectly willing to violate accepted standards of academic freedom to achieve that goal. Anyone concerned with the future of American higher education has the duty to defend the values of scholarship and open debate against authoritarian political correctness. Unfortunately, by disinviting Summers, the UC regents failed miserably.
One wonders what Professor Bernstein might say about his own (and our) university's serious free speech problems.
Full Article